18 Easy Ways To Start Living A More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle.
If you are fed up with living a wasteful lifestyle and want to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle this new year, you might not know where to start. Starting something new can be stressful when you ...
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ECO Wheat Straws x The Ocean Cleanup
Plastic is literally around all the time. Plastic keyboard, plastic framed computer monitor, a plastic mouse, plastic bottles, plastic cutlery, plastic cotton buds and plastic straws. The amount of...
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Are these the straws of the future? COOKING AND FOOD In the search for a replacement for the environmentally unfriendly plastic straw, a variant of pasta and straw seems to do particularly...
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What's the difference between biobased, compostable, reusable, recyclable and biodegradable?
In your quest to do your bit for the environment, you’ll have heard a multitude of terms. Like, products that are labelled recyclable are seemingly good and you can pop them in the recycle contain...
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